Body Positive

Create a healthy balance inside and out

Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind, soul, and spirit. Transform your body, develop your mind, nourish your soul, and cultivate a positive spirit. Sign up to my 12-week Body Positive Coaching Program to create this healthy balance…inside and out!


Your body isn’t a temple, it’s a home you’ll live in forever. Take care of it.

~ Colin Wright

Holistic Health

What would it mean to you to look 10 years younger, feel 10 pounds lighter, and have all the energy you need to get through the day? What if ditching some extra pounds gave you a healthy glow and flow, inside and out? Imagine feeding and exercising your body in such a way that it would significantly improve your overall health.

Well, imagine no more! You most certainly can have it all with my 12-week Coaching Program, Body Positive!

The program offers a holistic approach to health focusing on the interrelationships of the body, mind, and spirit. With new learning you’ll discover how to eat to live, that is, giving your body the nutrients it needs, instead of living to eat, which is eating yourself to death on junk food. As we work together, I will help you create a healthy diet and lifestyle with food, and exercise to optimize your health and feeling FANTASTIC every single day!

Body Positive is not just about getting skinny or trying to fit into your old prom dress. It is an integrative program that explores your relationship with food, your relationship with yourself, and your relationship with life. Because when you gain a deeper understanding of who you are from a multi-dimensional perspective, and the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual elements work cohesively together, you really can bring about transformative and lasting change.

Here are just some of the areas we’ll explore in our sessions together and create an Action Plan around:

  • Emotional/comfort eating
  • Conditioning, what we learn from our parents
  • Bad habits and underlying causes
  • Health and wellbeing as a way of life
  • What’s healthy and what’s not
  • What is your body saying to you right now?
  • Tuning in and listening to your body
  • The negative and positive impact of stress and sleep
  • Self-love, appreciation, and acceptance
  • How to fall in love with YOU
    Healthy food and life choices
  • Challenging old ideas that are not self-serving
  • Creating a mindset that is conducive to health
  • What has worked in the past
  • What’s possible

As your Life Coach, I’ll support you every step of the way. My goal as we embark on this journey together is for you to live your best life. To emerge better than you were yesterday and to continue on a path of growth and self-direction.

What you’ll have at the end of my Coaching Program that you may not have had at the beginning:

  • A specific Action Plan for a healthy and active life
  • New skills, techniques, and tools for continued self-work and development
  • Weight loss and a body-positive attitude
  • Inner confidence, outward shine
  • A positive mindset
  • Greater insights into your emotional self
  • You’ll love the skin you’re in!

So what are you waiting for? Body Positive 12-week Coaching Program is a one-day at a time approach to reaching your goals and transforming your life!

Click the button below to schedule a FREE 30-minute ‘Life Strategy’ session with me TODAY!

What Next?

Let’s get this show on the road!

Coaching is a serious commitment so before we get going kindly take a few minutes to click through to the pages below. 

We all have our own individual styles, distinct personality, fundamental values, and unique way of showing up in the world. Coaching is about client and coach working together in close partnership toward the same end. Read ‘About Me’ to see if we’re a good match.

I love nothing more than Coaching and my heart’s desire is to see you succeed. However, Coaching is not for everyone because it involves some heavy lifting and a serious commitment. Clicking the link should help you decide if ‘Coaching Is Right For You.’

You’re all set and ready to go. Simply schedule a FREE 30-minute Strategy Session with me today! I’ll help you identify your stumbling blocks and create an Action Plan to begin unraveling your issues or concerns. Your safety and dignity are always my priority!